She spent her younger years trying to numb her restlessness. "I always have to feel like I'm accomplishing something not sitting," She says.
"I'll paint something that doesn't need to be painted; I put stuff away. That's one of the most unconfortable things for me--to sit in a grey area and not try to fix something." The key to finding balance, she knows, is to stay in the moment, not in the wirlpool in her mind. "I've been working for years on knowing the second those thoughts are coming in, to reconize them, to get rid of them, and move on to whats happening right now." The eldest of three, Anderson says she "used to show off a lot as a child. My father found that very distasteful. I have a built-in mechanism, and red lights start flashing whenever I start to behave in any kind of diva-esque way." As a result, she can seem too restriened. "Ally my life, what I've put out is that I'm completely in control. Ans sometimes that's not true."
After college, she moved to New York to pursue acting, a more constructive outlet for her feelings. She worked off-broadway and won a theatre World Award. But she still had to trian herself to eat carefully. Moving to LA in 1992 helped her discover the importaance of exercise. By the time she had won the role of Scully, she was down to 118 pounds. Her diet continues to evolve. "I am my own guinea pig," she admits. In fact, just prior to her recent cleansing treatment, she says, "I was on a program of carbohydrates, protein and supplements--and starbucks decaf coffee four times a day." While she says the cleansing "changed my life,"
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